Camping is only one word but it means different things to different people. Some want to put off with only a mat and back pack to sleep beneath the stars, while others like to go clamping and choose the best equipment and gadgets and remain in camper vans, caravans or under canvas. But however they would like to experience it, there is no doubt that being outdoors in natures playground is something all of us enjoy, as every time we do it that the air smells sweeter, food tastes better and the birds seem louder.
When we mention Clamping we are not talking about pitching up in the Campsite with a normal tent, gas stove, can of beans and a sleeping bag. No, this is definitely camping at its most lavish, glamorous, extravagant and enjoyable. Whether it is in a bell tent, shepherds hut, tipi or yurt, clamping Always includes luxury accessories, beds, quality linen, rugs, gadgets and a view to die for. Because of this style of camping is now popular amongst those that are not hardened campers, but rather wish to discover camping at a more deluxe, well-appointed and easy-going way. However, where did the many and various styles of clamping come from and how did it all start with tents?
Bell and Sibley Tents are incredibly popular among the clamping Population but they were used by the army in America and Europe, especially during the Crimean War in 1855. They have a central pole with canvas outside and can be fitted using a wood-burning stove to actually make them a home from home. Some had a similar layout to a tipi.
Wooden Camping Huts or Shepherd Huts are usually quite small and fixed on wheels. This was to let shepherds that the capacity of transferring it to where their flock was grazing, giving them a bed on wheels. Now they are insulated well and frequently have a power source are great in most weathers with shepherds hut. Roulettes, Gypsy Caravans and Romani Wagons were traditionally Horse-drawn homes on wheels for Gypsy travellers. Roulettes originate from France and were often made and coated with natural and recycled materials and elaborately painted. These were ideal vehicles for a nomadic way of life and were the first horse-powered caravans.
Canvas Lodges or Safari Tents were pitched in Africa to give Safari tour guests a secure place to live amongst nature. They are especially suited to humid and hot conditions as all of the sides may be lifted giving a cool breeze and colour. Tree Houses were designed to keep people off the floor and off from predators. They are available in many elaborate shapes and sizes, can be produced from canvas or wood and now even companies operate out of them together with hotels and restaurants being able to draw a huge crowd to their distinctive place in the canopy.