If you’ve heard of Kratom before then you’ve come into contact with opioids at some point in your life. Maybe you got prescribed some Codeine for pain or maybe you got into some light drug abuse when you were younger but then you understood that these substances are pretty addictive and it’s a good idea to stay away from them. The reason we say this is because many people actually turn towards Kratom use to stop using opioids.
Kratom is a tropical tree that’s native to Malaysia and Indonesia and the leaves are used for a variety of purposes. They contain an opioid-like substance that can be pretty pleasant, in both recreational uses and as a treatment for mild to acute pain. Since the active substance in kratom isn’t an actual opiate, it’s much less addictive but it still acts upon your opioid receptors, which can still leave the doors for addiction wide open if not used carefully. Here’s what you can expect from using kratom capsules at various doses.
Low Doses
At lower doses, Kratom causes an increase in your energy. You’ll feel more motivated to do things, will have a better appetite and sexual energy as well. There are certain strains of kratom that are more stimulating than others though.
Common Doses
At medium doses, kratom can act as a pretty decent pain killer and relieve mild to acute pain. Basically, if you suffer from arthritis of any kind, then kratom might be pretty useful for you. However, we shouldn’t forget that it can still be addictive, even if it isn’t as addictive as opioid pain killers.
High Doses
At high doses, Kratom can act as a very effective sedative, along with pain relief. If your dose any higher than this, you’ll only feel very sick so there’s a dose ceiling in place, which prevents users from over dosing.